Study on the Preparation of Disproportionated Rosin and Purification of Dehydroabietic Acid from Disproportionated Rosin; Enhances the disproportionation abietic acid potash soap process units sate operation the countermeasure 歧化松香的制备与脱氢枞酸的提纯研究提高歧化松香酸钾皂生产装置安全运行的对策
Experimental study on rosin soap air-entraining agent 松香皂引气剂的试验研究
Study on stability of rosin soap in alcohol/ water solution 松香皂乙醇水溶液稳定性的研究
Result showed that the sizing performance was related with the kind of pulps and the amount of aluminium sulfate and rosin soap. 结果表明:纸浆种类对自制皂胶的施胶性能具有较大的影响,而且施胶效果也与施胶剂、硫酸铝的添加量有关。
Complex Functions of Rosin Soap Liquid/ Polyamide Complexes under Near Neutral Papermaking Conditions 近中性造纸条件下液状松香皂胶/聚胺复合物的功能
Three rosin soap liquid/ polyamide complexes ( H1, H2, H3) with different ratios were prepared and the effects of their application in papermaking from a recycled pulp were investigated. 配制3种不同配比的液状松香皂胶/聚胺复合物H1、H2、H3,并考察它们在再生浆造纸中的应用效果。